Emmanuel Thrift Store
Fridays & Saturdays, 9am - 12pm
Our Items for Sale Include:
Household furniture
Clothing for all seasons
Children’s toys
School supplies
Kitchen items
And more!
Proceeds from sales supports Our Daily Bread Food Pantry.
We will gladly accept donations of gently used items during normal hours of operation. For pick-up of furniture or other large items, call (708) 965-8181 to schedule an appointment.
Volunteers are always welcome at the Thrift store!
Volunteers can earn community service hours, while having fun with other volunteers.
If interested in volunteering, call 708-965-8181.
Leave a message for Sherry.
Fridays & Saturdays
9am - 12pm
The Thrift Store is located at the west end of Our Daily Bread Food Pantry building at
22515 Torrence Ave
Sauk Village, IL 60411